Jumat, 07 September 2012


 Then Johny turned back
That his tears I can't see
But a friend's sorrow can a friend feel
And though misty eyes made vision lack
I could see enough still
That the width 'tween us grew, away went he.

Letters were a bridge
But they were few
And though I did fidge'
In my heart I knew
Distance was having indeed
It's dirty effect on us
Now alone I did tread
Where we spent times together
Laughed, cried and had a fight
Now he was far
And for some reason or other
'twas not possible we could meet.
Slowly, life made impossible
Even letters to write.
New friends came, and then
Life did not seem so unfit .

But then, we were destined to meet!

A fine night it was
I was waiting with bated breath
before a glittering theatre
with scribes, fans and cops armed to teeth.
Then I saw a car
And up went a roar
From the crowd. A huge car
pulled up before us.
And there was a ruckus.
"John! John Dawson!" cried out a belle.
Out came the man within,
"Johny! Hey Johny!" cried out I.
But how hard may I try
I knew I couldn't be seen.
He blew a kiss and to everyone waved
Then the one whom all craved
Vanished inside the hall
Heard he not my frenetic call
He had company; scribes and big stars
With whom he'll pass the hours.
My heart sank. I lost the only
chance. Now the gap 'tween us
was wide as ever. And most certainly
I could never meet him. I cursed myself profusely.
to have come here.
I came to meet Johny my friend.
Not Johny the superstar.
Another roar did the skies rend.
I looked at the crowd
they were as if chanting his name.
Suddenly, I felt proud
They all loved my friend, the Johny same.
"Why be selfish?" I told myself
I should be proud and glad
That the Johny I knew, the little lad
Had come this far. My Johny dear!
I thanked God that I came here.
I came to meet Johny and I met John
Yet I felt happy that
'twas after all the same Johny
Who once with me at school sat
And now the love of all who has won.
 I had a friend
His name was Johny
'twas at my first day at school
A day bright and sunny
When we met first
in the playground,
'mid noise and dust
He got in me a friend
And I in him a friend found.

We became the best of friends
Before much time did run
And passed all turns and bends
In our school life with elan.
If he scored big and I couldn't
He wished I could too
If got I good marks and he didn't
How I wished he too got so.
In the football ground
If I helped him score a goal
Danced I round and round
And then he managed to get me
In the school play, a good role.
At lunchtime we shared our tiffin
And exchanged books of ghosts and goblin.
Together we came, 'gether did we go
Even a'ter school did we hang around
Saw the same thing, heard the same sound.

And then happened the inevitable.
A shocking thing, a thing terrible!
Johny's dad had an accident
And he breathed his last.
To his home I went
The room was full, many came
Shaking their heads and speaking words same
"Johny's dad, a good man
Hardly a time to die
May rest his soul in heaven
And his bones in peace lie"
Soon they took him away
In a coffin brought in a hurry
The priest spoke, the ground was made hollow
And saw to it all
That he lay six feet below.

Johny came to school, one last time
He bade us goodbye, his mom
Was taking him far
To the ranch of his grandfather.
"Will you never come back?" asked I
He shook his head and hugged me
And said to me "goodbye"!
A Friend is a Treasure A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.

And make the world we live in, 
a better and happier place.

True friends are for life
Until the end
They're more than special
They're your bestest friends.

They're the ones you can go to
When you're in despair
The ones that'll help you
Even when you got gum in your hair!

They're the ones who'll laugh
And go laughing with you all through the night
The ones who'll help you
Help you with all their might

To have a good friend
You have to be one
So be nice to one another
So you can be friends forever
And that's how to be the best friend you can be.

- Samantha Sumler


friendship is not just the name of an
ordinary feeling.
but it is the name of the feelings of understanding,
honesty and frankness between two persons.
and these feelings keep the two very special persons bounded together
and such a friendship lies in two of us.

- Sahar Ashraf

Sebuah Rantai Emas

Persahabatan adalah Rantai Emas,
Link bersahabat begitu dalam,
Dan seperti sebuah permata langka dan berharga
yang selalu berharga sepanjang masa ...

Memegang erat kebersamaan
Dengan rasa cinta yang mendalam dan benar,
Dan itu kaya dengan kenangan indah
dan kenangan juga ...

Waktu tidak dapat menghancurkan keindahannya
Karena, itu memori selama hidup,
Tahun tidak dapat menghapus kesenangan
Bahwa dari persahabatan memberi sukacita ...

Untuk persahabatan adalah karunia yang tak ternilai
Yang tidak dapat dibeli atau dijual,
Tapi untuk memiliki pemahaman teman
Bernilai jauh lebih daripada emas ...

Dan Rantai Emas Persahabatan
selayaknya dasi yang selalu di ikat erat
Mengikat hati untuk bersama
meskipun tahun-tahun terlewati.

Dihargai teman

Tuhan pasti tahu.
Kami membutuhkan kata bersorak,
Seseorang untuk memuji kemenangan
Atau mengusap air mata.

Dia pasti akan tahu kita perlu untuk berbagi
Sukacita "hal-hal kecil"
Dalam kata untuk menghargai
Kehidupan yang membawa kebahagiaan.

Aku tahu, Dia tahu, saat hati kita bermasalah
Kadang-kadang berdenyut rasa sakit,
Dalam setiap halangan dan rintangan,
Atau tujuan kita tidak bisa tercapai.

Dia tahu kita membutuhkan kenyamanan
Dari hati yang pengertian
Untuk memberikan kita kekuatan dan keberanian
Untuk membuat awal, lembaran baru.

Dia tahu kita akan membutuhkan persahabatan,
Egois ... abadi ... kebenaran,
Dan pastilah Tuhan menjawab.
Dalam butuhnya kita akan jantung
Dengan teman-teman berharga ... seperti kalian!
"sahabat", "Teman", "Kawan"..

Salam Seorang teman

Aku ingin menjadi teman yang...
Selalu memberi
Aku ingin menjadi bantuan yang
Selalu bisa membuatmu senang

Aku ingin berarti sebanyak bagi kalian
Di setiap menit dan hari
Seperti kalian yang sangat berarti, teman,
Bagiku sepanjang hidup.

Aku ingin melakukan hal-hal besar dan
hal-hal yang bagus untuk mu,
Untuk hal abu-abu dari angkasa
Yang selalu terlihat warnanya;

Aku ingin mengatakan hal-hal yang baik
Yang sering aku dengar,
Aku ingin memberikanmu kegembiraan
seperti kalian yang telah memberi banyak,
Namun yang perlu kalian tahu
Aku berharap tidak akan pernah berubah;

Membuat kalian merasa sekaya hati,
menjalani kehidupan ..
Takut saat menghadapi sesuatu, ada kalian tempatku bersandar..

Dan bila aku memiliki satu keinginan saat ini,
aku hanya ingin untuk tetap sama ...
Menjadi Teman, seperti yang kau rasakan juga...

Indahnya Persahabatan

Tiada mutiara sebening cinta..
Tiada sutra sehalus kasih sayang..
Tiada embun sesuci ketulusan hati..
Dan tiada hubungan seindah persahabatan..
Sahabat bukan
MATEMATIKA yang dapat dihitung nilainya..
EKONOMI yang mengharapkan materi..
PPKN yang dituntut oleh undang-undang..
Sahabat adalah SEJARAH yang dapat dikenang sepanjang masa..

Puisi Sahabat Yang Baik

sahabat yang baik
adalah sahabat yang cepat mengetahui kita dalam kesulitan
dan tidak hanya dalam kesenangan
karena kebanyakan sahabat sekarang
banyak yang mau dekat dengan kita
bila kita punya uang dan harta yang berlimpah
jadi carilah sahabat yang bisa mengerti apa artinya hidup yang singkat ini
dan tidak mengutamakan kekayaan
tapi lebih kepada solusi apa itu hidup
yang bisa mensyukuri dan menikmati setiap saat

Persahabatan kokoh

persahabatan yang akan terus utuh dan kokoh
itu apabila kita memulainya
dengan saling kepercayaan dan keterbukaan..
dengan adanya keduanya insyaAllah tak ada perselisihan.
kebersaamaan itu indah,
jangan buat suatu kesalahan
yang akan membuat ikatan persahabatan putus.
Jangan segan atau malu atau menundanunda
ketika kau ingin memeluknya,
sayangilah ia selagi ia masih bersamamu.

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